Clean Water Fight

Water -- think about it for a minute.We drink it; we bathe in it. We cook with it; we swim in it. Literally, we can’t live without it.We expect it to be clean. We need it to be clean. But what if it isn’t? Factory farms are putting Iowa’s water at risk. At Iowa CCI we’re doing everything we can to keep our water clean – for us, for our kids, for our grandkids.

  • Each year, factory farm hogs in Iowa produce as much raw, untreated waste as 45 million people. That’s 15 x the population of Iowa!

  • It gets dumped on fields and ends up polluting the water we drink, swim in, fish in and enjoy.

  • 60% of Iowa’s tested waterways are polluted.

Industry is pushing for “voluntary compliance” of clean water measures. But we know voluntary doesn’t work. We need tough rules and regulations that crackdown on polluters.There’s no other way to describe it: we have to fight for clean water. And the time is now.


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Clean Water Fight: thank you!