Rep. Dean Fisher singlehandedly holds up a factory farm moratorium bill

Rep. Dean Fisher from House District 72 is single-handedly blocking our moratorium bill, H.F. 203. That's not right!

Thousand of Iowans are calling for a moratorium and 25 counties have passed resolutions calling for a moratorium, local control, or stronger permitting standards. We know people want change.

Still, Fisher is refusing to assign this bill a sub-committee. A sub-committee would allow for debate, discussion and public input.

Iowans deserve to see this bill discussed and a chance to weigh in. If Fisher does not assign the bill to a sub-committee it will die next Friday, March 8.

We asked members to contact Fisher. This action alert is now closed/old.


$4.5 million public dollars in Iowa go to subsidizing factory farms


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